Whatever your dispute and your particular need, at Smart Disputes we are ready to help bring you pragmatic, sensible and commercial legal support.
In a commercial enterprise or in your personal ife, it is inevitable that disputes will arise. They are simply a fact of life and something you cannot avoid.
Whilst there are a number of different ways to try and resolve disputes, having pragmatic and sensible commercial legal advice is invaluable if you want to resolve them quickly and cheaply.
It can often be easy to draw battle lines and prepare to litigate, but that isn’t always the best policy as reaching a commercial settlement can avoid the uncertainty associated with a legal battle not to mention minimise the costs.
If you are dealing with a construction contract, then Adjudication may be an option and you could potentially have your decision within about a month. Adjudication can also be particularly useful if you are pursuing an overdue payment.
However, Adjudication, Arbitration and Ligation are very costly and the outcomes can be extremely unpredictable. Another importnant resolution option, which I highly recommended, is mediation.
Mediation provides a confidential forum for settlement which is cheaper, quicker and much less stressful. For further information on mediation and finding a mediator, please go to
"Compromise is the best and cheapest lawyer"
As a qualified Barrister, a qualified Adjudicator, an Accredited Mediator and with over 30 years of legal experience dealing with a raft of commercial legal issues and disputes throughout my career, with a specialism in construction, I can offer you high quality and practical commercial legal support at a competitive price to resolve your disputes in the most efficient way possible.
For further details on my background and experience, please click here.
For all queries please contact us at
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