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What is mediation?

Mediation is a highly successful and proven form of dispute resolution used worldwide.​


Latest evidence confirms that settlement is achieved in over 90% of all disputes referred to mediation.​


A skilled impartial mediator works constructively with all parties to reality check points of difference and challenge entrenched views.​


Parties can work together supported by the mediator or as appropriate separately with the mediator using a form of "shuttle diplomacy" to narrow issues in dispute.​


Assisting parties to appreciate the realities of their positions, all in a safe, secure and confidential environment, allows the freedom to explore options for settlement.

With approximately 9 out of 10 cases reaching settlement, simply put...


"Mediation is ... the Answer"


Why use mediation?

Mediation is quicker, cheaper, less stressful, confidential and in over 90% of cases achieves settlement. 


In the very unlikely event that your dispute does not settle, by using Mediator Locator, your mediator may be able offer to provide a non-binding opinion using their expertise, experience and judgement.


Mediator Locator provides the optimal blend of mediation and, if appropriate, determination, leading the market with an evaluative mediation approach.


By reducing cost, risk, delay, and with the flexibility of offering mediation virtually, if requested, we believe mediation should be the first and most accessible choice for dispute resolution. 


In contrast to the alternatives, and uniquely, mediation can assist in preserving relationships and help restore a sense calm.

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